Wednesday, June 30, 2010

is anyone even paying attention?? lol.....

Hey everyone who reads my blogs....... I feel so guilty that I don't respond to more of my peers blog posts :(  I have gotten a few comments and it makes me feel happy to see that someones actually reading what I have to say lol.  I think the reading for the lack of response on my part is just that I don't see updates on every ones poss right away.  I mean with social networking sites like facebook or myspace, you get notified when people update something on their page.  With the blogs it takes a little more work on the reader's part to seek out what has been written by the blogger.....  I will make the conscious effort to comment on more of the blogs that I am following, just so that the blogger's know that what they have to say does matter and I am interested :)  Hey so quick question, who feels that this blog will be something that you will continue to use after this unit is over?  I personally think I might still use it.  I kinda like jut typing in a random nonsensical blabber that doesn't need to follow a format and can really be based on whatever I feel like writing about..... Almost like a nice way to vent huh?  Well thats all for now guys.....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

ahh the wonder's of peer review.....

This week in seminar we discussed peer review......  Honestly I feel like peer review is one of the most helpful tools that we are able to utilize at Kaplan or in any academic setting period.  I mean being able to have someone else read your work and give you their feedback is priceless.  Sometimes when I write I feel like all the words have blended into each other and they no longer make sense.  If I am able to have some one read my writing that is a peer and is in the same boat as me (working on a writing assignment), I feellike their feed back is truly valuable.  I appreciate honesty because anything otherwise just isn't helpful  You know it;s nice to tell people that their writing is great but it's also great to tell them what can be improved.  It gives the writer a better chance of succeeding at the assignment.  So I hope that in this class, we as peers can continue to give each other useful and helpful reviews :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


 Soooo I am having a little difficulty focusing this weekend.......  I feel like I have so much to do but I cant seem to get my motivation going I don't know whats wrong with me.  I'm starting to think that maybe I like stressing myself out lol....  Is any body Else experiencing motivation issues?  It's not just with my school work it's with everything this weekend!  I would love to get some procrastination beater tips.....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My personal writing style....

I feel that my personal writing style is described in one word: spontaneous.  I say this because I find writing very difficult and the words don't come easily.  However, when it comes down to it, all of a sudden the words just start flowing!  I find free writing to be a HUGE part of the way I write.  Outlines are something that I would like to use, just because they seem to make the process more fluid and organized.  But overall my writing style has worked for me so far :)  I find myself just sitting down and writing and writing and then when my train of thought is lost, I will go back over and read what I have just wrote.

Monday, June 7, 2010


So I finally have something to look forward to!  My boyfriend and I will be going to Hawaii for 9 days on June 29th :)  However, as exciting as Hawaii sounds.... for me it's home.  I lived there for the first 19 years of my life before I moved here to Los Angeles.  The reason I am so excited is because my boyfriend has never been there and  he is going to meet all of my closest friends and family for the first time!  I mean living here for the past two years that we have been together, we've been around his family and friends all the time, but now it's my turn lol.  I am really excited because the main reason we are going is because the first of my little group of girlfriends is finally getting married after being with her boyfriend  for 8 years!  More than half of them have kids already..... But this is the first wedding :)  So yeah something exciting to look forward to.  Is anyone else getting the luxury of going somewhere this Summer?